Kasran's Music Commissions!

August 24, 2020 - Present

Please read the Terms of Service before putting in for a commission. By submitting a commission, you agree to the Terms of Service in full.

After reading the terms, please message me at any of my social media accounts (Twitter, Mastodon, or Cohost), or send me an email, to request a slot.


If you're looking for samples of my work, head over to my Soundcloud page.

A la Carte Commission Menu

These are the standard commissions I offer. For something custom, see the next section.

Custom Commissions

If you want a longer track, more than one track, more creative control, the rights to commercial usage, or anything else you won't get from the a-la-carte menu, feel free to bring up your idea and we can negotiate. I'll happily do work for games, videos, streams, or whatever you need.